Direktori : /home/kfvehpdt/cecheminotsbretagne.fr/scripts/ibox/ |
Current File : /home/kfvehpdt/cecheminotsbretagne.fr/scripts/ibox/ibox.js |
/** * iBox 2.18 (Build 1576) * For more info & download: http://www.ibegin.com/labs/ibox/ * Created as a part of the iBegin Labs Project - http://www.ibegin.com/labs/ * For licensing please see readme.html (MIT Open Source License) */ var iBox = function() { var _pub = { // label for the close link close_label: 'Fermer', // show iframed content in the parent window // this *does not* work with #containers inherit_frames: false, // how fast to fade in the overlay/ibox (this is each step in ms) fade_in_speed: 300, fade_out_speed: 300, // our attribute identifier for our iBox elements attribute_name: 'rel', // tags to hide when we show our box tags_to_hide: ['select', 'embed', 'object'], // default width of the box (when displaying html only) // height is calculated automatically default_width: 450, // public version number version_number: '2.18', // internal build number build_number: '1576', // browser checks is_opera: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera/9') != -1, is_ie: navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE ") != -1, is_ie6: false /*@cc_on || @_jscript_version < 5.7 @*/, is_firefox: navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko") != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Netscape") == -1, is_mac: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Macintosh') != -1, // url for including images/external files base_url: '', /** * Updates the base_url variable. * @param {String} path Relative or absolute path to this file. */ setPath: function(path) { _pub.base_url = path; }, /** * Checks a container for specified tags containing rel="ibox" * @param {Object} container * @param {String} tag_name */ checkTags: function(container, tag_name) { if (!container) var container = document.body; if (!tag_name) var tag_name = 'a'; var els = container.getElementsByTagName(tag_name); for (var i=0; i<els.length; i++) { if (els[i].getAttribute(_pub.attribute_name)) { var t = els[i].getAttribute(_pub.attribute_name); if ((t.indexOf("ibox") != -1) || t.toLowerCase() == "ibox") { // check if this element is an iBox element els[i].onclick = _pub.handleTag; } } } }, /** * Binds arguments to a callback function */ bind: function(fn) { var args = []; for (var n=1; n<arguments.length; n++) args.push(arguments[n]); return function(e) { return fn.apply(this, [e].concat(args)); }; }, /** * Sets the content of the ibox * @param {String} content HTML content * @param {Object} params */ html: function(content, params) { if (content === undefined) return els.content; if (params === undefined) var params = {}; if (!active.is_loaded) return; _pub.clear(); _pub.updateObject(els.wrapper.style, {display: 'block', visibility: 'hidden', left: 0, top: 0, height: '', width: ''}); if (typeof(content) == 'string') els.content.innerHTML = content; else els.content.appendChild(content); var pagesize = _pub.getPageSize(); if (params.can_resize === undefined) params.can_resize = true; if (params.fade_in === undefined) params.use_fade = true; if (params.fullscreen) { params.width = '100%'; params.height = '100%'; } // reset offsets offset.container = [els.wrapper.offsetLeft*2, els.wrapper.offsetTop*2]; offset.wrapper = [els.wrapper.offsetWidth-els.content.offsetWidth, els.wrapper.offsetHeight-els.content.offsetHeight]; // TODO: remove the +4 when issue is solved with calculations offset.wrapper[1] += 4; if (params.width) var width = params.width; else var width = _pub.default_width; if (params.height) var height = params.height; else { els.content.style.height = '100%'; var height = els.content.offsetHeight + 12; els.content.style.height = ''; } active.dimensions = [width, height]; active.params = params; _pub.reposition(); // XXX: Fix for inline containers which had elements that were hidden for (var i=0; i<_pub.tags_to_hide.length; i++) { showTags(_pub.tags_to_hide[i], els.content); } els.wrapper.style.visibility = 'visible'; }, /** * Empties the content of the iBox (also hides the loading indicator) */ clear: function() { els.loading.style.display = "none"; while (els.content.firstChild) els.content.removeChild(els.content.firstChild); }, /** * Loads text into the ibox * @param {String} url * @param {String} title * @param {Object} params */ show: function(text, title, params) { showInit(title, params, function() { _pub.html(text, active.params); }); }, /** * Loads a url into the ibox * @param {String} url * @param {String} title * @param {Object} params */ showURL: function(url, title, params) { showInit(title, params, function() { for (var i=0; i<_pub.plugins.list.length; i++) { var plugin = _pub.plugins.list[i]; if (plugin.match(url)) { active.plugin = plugin; plugin.render(url, active.params); break; } } }); }, /** * Hides the iBox */ hide: function() { if (active.plugin) { // call the plugins unload method if (active.plugin.unload) active.plugin.unload(); } active = {} _pub.clear(); // restore elements that were hidden for (var i=0; i<_pub.tags_to_hide.length; i++) showTags(_pub.tags_to_hide[i]); els.loading.style.display = 'none'; els.wrapper.style.display = 'none'; _pub.fade(els.overlay, _pub.getOpacity(null, els.overlay), 0, _pub.fade_out_speed, function() { els.overlay.style.display = 'none';}); _pub.fireEvent('hide'); }, /** * Repositions the iBox wrapper based on the params set originally. */ reposition: function() { if (!active.is_loaded) return; // center loading box if (els.loading.style.display != 'none') _pub.center(els.loading); // update ibox width/height/position if (active.dimensions) { var pagesize = _pub.getPageSize(); var width = active.dimensions[0]; var height = active.dimensions[1]; if (height.toString().indexOf('%') != -1) { els.wrapper.style.height = (Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, document.body.clientHeight, pagesize.height) - offset.container[0])*(parseInt(height)/100) + 'px'; } else if (height) { els.content.style.height = height + 'px'; // TODO: if we dont set wrapper height, it doesnt restrict the height and the box is fine // so offset.wrapper[1] must not be correct els.wrapper.style.height = els.content.offsetHeight + offset.wrapper[1] + 'px'; } else { els.wrapper.style.height = els.content.offsetHeight + offset.wrapper[1] + 'px'; } var container_offset = (els.content.offsetHeight - els.content.firstChild.offsetHeight); if (width.toString().indexOf('%') != -1) { els.wrapper.style.width = (Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, document.body.clientWidth, pagesize.width) - offset.container[1])*(parseInt(width)/100) + 'px'; var container_offset = 0; } else { els.content.style.width = width + 'px'; els.wrapper.style.width = els.content.offsetWidth + offset.wrapper[0] + 'px'; } _pub.updateObject(els.content.style, {width: '', height: ''}); var width = parseInt(els.wrapper.style.width); var height = parseInt(els.wrapper.style.height); // if we can resize this, make sure it fits in our page bounds if (active.params.can_resize) { var x = pagesize.width; var y = pagesize.height; x -= offset.container[0]; y -= offset.container[1]; if (width > x) { if (active.params.constrain) height = height * (x/width); width = x; } if (height > y) { if (active.params.constrain) width = width * (y/height); height = y; } _pub.updateObject(els.wrapper.style, {width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px'}); } //els.content.style.width = width - offset.wrapper[0] + 'px'; // TODO: this isn't adjusting to the right height for containers that are smaller than the page height // resize the wrappers height based on the content boxes height // this needs to be height - ibox_content[margin+padding+border] els.content.style.height = height - offset.wrapper[1] + 'px'; if (active.dimensions != ['100%', '100%']) _pub.center(els.wrapper); } // fix overlay width/height (cant use css fixed on ie6 or fx or any // browser really due to issues) els.overlay.style.height = Math.max(document.body.clientHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight) + 'px'; }, updateObject: function(obj, params) { for (var i in params) obj[i] = params[i]; }, /** * Centers an object * @param {Object} obj */ center: function(obj) { var pageSize = _pub.getPageSize(); var scrollPos = _pub.getScrollPos(); var emSize = _pub.getElementSize(obj); var x = Math.round((pageSize.width - emSize.width) / 2 + scrollPos.scrollX); var y = Math.round((pageSize.height - emSize.height) / 2 + scrollPos.scrollY); if (obj.offsetLeft) x -= obj.offsetLeft; if (obj.offsetTop) y -= obj.offsetTop; if (obj.style.left) x += parseInt(obj.style.left); if (obj.style.top) y += parseInt(obj.style.top); // this nearly centers it due to scrollbars x -= 10; _pub.updateObject(obj.style, {top: y + 'px', left: x + 'px'}); }, getStyle: function(obj, styleProp) { if (obj.currentStyle) return obj.currentStyle[styleProp]; else if (window.getComputedStyle) return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj,null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); }, /** * Gets the scroll positions */ getScrollPos: function() { var docElem = document.documentElement; return { scrollX: document.body.scrollLeft || window.pageXOffset || (docElem && docElem.scrollLeft), scrollY: document.body.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || (docElem && docElem.scrollTop) }; }, /** * Gets the page constraints */ getPageSize: function() { return { width: window.innerWidth || (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) || document.body.clientWidth, height: window.innerHeight || (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) || document.body.clientHeight }; }, /** * Gets an objects offsets * @param {Object} obj */ getElementSize: function(obj) { return { width: obj.offsetWidth || obj.style.pixelWidth, height: obj.offsetHeight || obj.style.pixelHeight }; }, fade: function(obj, start, end, speed, callback) { if (start === undefined || !(start >= 0) || !(start <= 100)) var start = 0; if (end === undefined || !(end >= 0) || !(end <= 100)) var end = 100; if (speed === undefined) var speed = 0; if (obj.fader) clearInterval(obj.fader); if (!speed) { _pub.setOpacity(null, obj, end); if (callback) callback(); } var opacity_difference = end - start; var time_total = speed; // time is speed (jQuery compat) var step_size = 25; // step size in ms var steps = time_total / step_size; // total number of steps var increment = Math.ceil(opacity_difference / steps); // how much to incr per step obj.fader = setInterval(_pub.bind(function(e, obj, increment, end, callback) { var opacity = _pub.getOpacity(e, obj) + increment; _pub.setOpacity(e, obj, opacity); if ((increment < 0 && opacity <= end) || (increment > 0 && opacity >= end)) { _pub.setOpacity(e, obj, end); clearInterval(obj.fader); if (callback) callback(); } }, obj, increment, end, callback), step_size); }, /** * Sets the opacity of an element * @param {Object} obj * @param {Integer} value */ setOpacity: function(e, obj, value) { value = Math.round(value); obj.style.opacity = value/100; obj.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + value + ')'; }, /** * Gets the opacity of an element * @param {Object} obj * @return {Integer} value */ getOpacity: function(e, obj) { return _pub.getStyle(obj, 'opacity')*100; }, /** * Creates a new XMLHttpRequest object based on browser */ createXMLHttpRequest: function() { var http; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari,... http = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (http.overrideMimeType) { // set type accordingly to anticipated content type http.overrideMimeType('text/html'); } } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE try { http = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} } } if (!http) { alert('Cannot create XMLHTTP instance'); return false; } return http; }, addEvent: function(obj, evType, fn) { if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false); return true; } else if (obj.attachEvent) { var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn); return r; } else { return false; } }, addEventListener: function(name, callback) { if (!events[name]) events[name] = new Array(); events[name].push(callback); }, /** * Causes all event listeners attached to `name` event to * execute. * @param {String} name Event name */ fireEvent: function(name) { if (events[name] && events[name].length) { for (var i=0; i<events[name].length; i++) { var args = []; for (var n=1; n<arguments.length; n++) args.push(arguments[n]); // Events returning false stop propagation if (events[name][i](args) === false) break; } } }, /** * Parses the arguments in the rel attribute * @param {String} query */ parseQuery: function(query) { var params = new Object(); if (!query) return params; var pairs = query.split(/[;&]/); var end_token; for (var i=0; i<pairs.length; i++) { var keyval = pairs[i].split('='); if (!keyval || keyval.length != 2) continue; var key = unescape(keyval[0]); var val = unescape(keyval[1]); val = val.replace(/\+/g, ' '); if (val[0] == '"') var token = '"'; else if (val[0] == "'") var token = "'"; else var token = null; if (token) { if (val[val.length-1] != token) { do { i += 1; val += '&'+pairs[i]; } while ((end_token = pairs[i][pairs[i].length-1]) != token) } val = val.substr(1, val.length-2); } if (val == 'true') val = true; else if (val == 'false') val = false; else if (val == 'null') val = null; params[key] = val; } return params; }, /** * Handles the onclick event for iBox anchors. * @param {Event} e */ handleTag: function(e) { var t = this.getAttribute('rel'); var params = _pub.parseQuery(t.substr(5,999)); if (params.target) var url = params.target; else if (this.target && !params.ignore_target) var url = this.target; else var url = this.href; var title = this.title; if (_pub.inherit_frames && window.parent) window.parent.iBox.showURL(url, title, params); else _pub.showURL(url, title, params); return false; }, plugins: { list: new Array(), register: function(func, last) { if (last === undefined) var last = false; if (!last) { _pub.plugins.list = [func].concat(_pub.plugins.list); } else { _pub.plugins.list.push(func); } } } }; // private methods and variables var active = {}; // events var events = {}; // some containers // we store these in memory instead of finding them each time var els = {}; var offset = {}; /** * Creates the iBox container and appends it to an element * @param {HTMLObject} elem Container to attach to * @return {HTMLObject} iBox element */ var create = function(elem) { pagesize = _pub.getPageSize(); // TODO: why isnt this using DOM tools // a trick on just creating an ibox wrapper then doing an innerHTML on our root ibox element els.container = document.createElement('div'); els.container.id = 'ibox'; els.overlay = document.createElement('div'); els.overlay.style.display = 'none'; _pub.setOpacity(null, els.overlay, 0); // firefox mac has issues with opacity and flash if (!_pub.is_firefox) els.overlay.style.background = '#000000'; else els.overlay.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + _pub.base_url + "images/bg.png')"; els.overlay.id = 'ibox_overlay'; params = {position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%'}; _pub.updateObject(els.overlay.style, params); els.overlay.onclick = _pub.hide; els.container.appendChild(els.overlay); els.loading = document.createElement('div'); els.loading.id = 'ibox_loading'; els.loading.innerHTML = '<img src="/scripts/ibox/ajax-loader.gif">'; els.loading.style.display = 'none'; els.loading.onclick = _pub.hide els.container.appendChild(els.loading); els.wrapper = document.createElement('div') els.wrapper.id = 'ibox_wrapper'; _pub.updateObject(els.wrapper.style, {position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, display: 'none'}); els.content = document.createElement('div'); els.content.id = 'ibox_content'; _pub.updateObject(els.content.style, {overflow: 'auto'}) els.wrapper.appendChild(els.content); var child = document.createElement('div'); child.id = 'ibox_footer_wrapper'; var child2 = document.createElement('a'); child2.innerHTML = _pub.close_label; child2.href = 'javascript:void(0)'; child2.onclick = _pub.hide; child.appendChild(child2); els.footer = document.createElement('div'); els.footer.id = 'ibox_footer'; els.footer.innerHTML = ' '; child.appendChild(els.footer); els.wrapper.appendChild(child); els.container.appendChild(els.wrapper); elem.appendChild(els.container); _pub.updateObject(els.wrapper.style, {right: '', bottom: ''}); return els.container; }; /** * Hides tags within the container * @param {String} tag The name of the tag (e.g. 'a') * @param {HTMLObject} container The container to restore tags within (defaults to document) */ var hideTags = function(tag, container) { if (container === undefined) var container = document.body; var list = container.getElementsByTagName(tag); for (var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { if (_pub.getStyle(list[i], 'visibility') != 'hidden' && list[i].style.display != 'none') { list[i].style.visibility = 'hidden'; list[i].wasHidden = true; } } }; /** * Shows all previously hidden tags in a container. * @param {String} tag The name of the tag (e.g. 'a') * @param {HTMLObject} container The container to restore tags within (defaults to document) */ var showTags = function(tag, container) { if (container === undefined) var container = document.body; var list = container.getElementsByTagName(tag); for (var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { if (list[i].wasHidden) { list[i].style.visibility = 'visible'; list[i].wasHidden = null; } } }; var showInit = function(title, params, callback) { if (!_initialized) initialize(); if (params === undefined) var params = {}; if (active.plugin) _pub.hide(); active.is_loaded = true; active.params = params; els.loading.style.display = "block"; _pub.center(els.loading); _pub.reposition(); // hide tags for (var i=0; i<_pub.tags_to_hide.length; i++) { hideTags(_pub.tags_to_hide[i]); } // set title here els.footer.innerHTML = title || " "; // setup background els.overlay.style.display = "block"; if (!_pub.is_firefox) var amount = 70; else var amount = 100; _pub.fade(els.overlay, _pub.getOpacity(null, els.overlay), amount, _pub.fade_in_speed, callback); _pub.fireEvent('show'); }; var drawCSS = function() { // Core CSS (positioning/etc) var core_styles = "#ibox {z-index:1000000;text-align:left;} #ibox_overlay {z-index:1000000;} #ibox_loading {position:absolute;z-index:1000001;} #ibox_wrapper {margin:30px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:1000001;} #ibox_content {z-index:1000002;margin:27px 5px 5px 5px;padding:2px;padding-left:5px;} #ibox_content object {display:block;} #ibox_content .ibox_image {width:100%;height:100%;margin:10;padding:0;border:0;display:block;} #ibox_footer_wrapper a {float:right;display:block;outline:0;margin:0;padding:0;} #ibox_footer_wrapper {text-align:left;position:absolute;top:5px;right:5px;left:5px;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;}"; // Default style/theme/skin/whatever var default_skin = "#ibox_footer_wrapper {font-weight:bold;height:20px;line-height:20px;} #ibox_footer_wrapper a {text-decoration:none;background:#888;border:1px solid #666;line-height:16px;padding:0 5px;color:#333;font-weight:bold;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10px;} #ibox_footer_wrapper a:hover {background-color:#bbb;color:#111;} #ibox_footer_wrapper {font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#111;} #ibox_wrapper {border:1px solid #ccc;} #ibox_wrapper {background-color:#999;}#ibox_content {background-color:#eee;border:1px solid #666;} #ibox_loading {padding:50px; background: #fff center no-repeat;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;}"; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; // tricky hack for IE // because IE doesn't like when you insert stuff the proper way // and we cant use relative paths to include this as an external // stylesheet var htmDiv = document.createElement('div'); htmDiv.innerHTML = '<p>x</p><style type="text/css">'+default_skin+'</style>'; head.insertBefore(htmDiv.childNodes[1], head.firstChild); htmDiv.innerHTML = '<p>x</p><style type="text/css">'+core_styles+'</style>'; head.insertBefore(htmDiv.childNodes[1], head.firstChild); }; var _initialized = false; var initialize = function() { // make sure we haven't already done this if (_initialized) return; _initialized = true; // elements here start the look up from the start non <a> tags drawCSS(); create(document.body); _pub.checkTags(document.body, 'a'); _pub.http = _pub.createXMLHttpRequest(); _pub.fireEvent('load'); }; _pub.addEvent(window, 'keypress', function(e){ if (e.keyCode == (window.event ? 27 : e.DOM_VK_ESCAPE)) { iBox.hide(); }}); _pub.addEvent(window, 'resize', _pub.reposition); _pub.addEvent(window, 'load', initialize); _pub.addEvent(window, 'scroll', _pub.reposition); // DEFAULT PLUGINS /** * Handles embedded containers in the page based on url of #container. * This _ONLY_ works with hidden containers. */ var iBoxPlugin_Container = function() { var was_error = false; var original_wrapper = null; return { /** * Matches the url and returns true if it fits this plugin. */ match: function(url) { return url.indexOf('#') != -1; }, /** * Called when this plugin is unloaded. */ unload: function() { if (was_error) return; var elemSrc = _pub.html().firstChild; if (elemSrc) { elemSrc.style.display = 'none'; original_wrapper.appendChild(elemSrc); } }, /** * Handles the output * @param {iBox} ibox * @param {String} url * @return {iBoxContent} an instance or subclass of iBoxContent */ render: function(url, params) { was_error = false; var elemSrcId = url.substr(url.indexOf("#") + 1); var elemSrc = document.getElementById(elemSrcId); // If the element doesnt exist, break the switch if (!elemSrc) { was_error = true; _pub.html(document.createTextNode('There was an error loading the document.'), params); } else { original_wrapper = elemSrc.parentNode; elemSrc.style.display = 'block'; _pub.html(elemSrc, params); } } } }(); _pub.plugins.register(iBoxPlugin_Container, true); /** * Handles images */ var iBoxPlugin_Image = function() { // Image types (for auto detection of image display) var image_types = /\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png|\.gif/gi; return { match: function(url) { return url.match(image_types); }, render: function(url, params) { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.onclick = _pub.hide; img.className = 'ibox_image' img.style.cursor = 'pointer'; img.onload = function() { _pub.html(img, {width: this.width, height: this.height, constrain: true}) } img.onerror = function() { _pub.html(document.createTextNode('There was an error loading the document.'), params); } img.src = url; } } }(); _pub.plugins.register(iBoxPlugin_Image); var iBoxPlugin_YouTube = function() { var youtube_url = /(?:http:\/\/)?(?:www\d*\.)?(youtube\.(?:[a-z]+))\/(?:v\/|(?:watch(?:\.php)?)?\?(?:.+&)?v=)([^&]+).*/; return { match: function(url) { return url.match(youtube_url); }, render: function(url, params) { var _match = url.match(youtube_url); var domain = _match[1]; var id = _match[2]; params.width = 425; params.height = 355; params.constrain = true; var html = '<object width="100%" height="100%" style="overflow: hidden; display: block;"><param name="movie" value="http://www.' + domain + '/v/' + id + '"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><embed src="http://www.' + domain + '/v/' + id + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="100%" height="100%"></embed></object>'; _pub.html(html, params); } } }(); _pub.plugins.register(iBoxPlugin_YouTube); var iBoxPlugin_Document = function() { return { match: function(url) { return true; }, render: function(url, params) { _pub.http.open('get', url, true); _pub.http.onreadystatechange = function() { if (_pub.http.readyState == 4) { // XXX: why does status return 0? if (_pub.http.status == 200 || _pub.http.status == 0) { _pub.html(_pub.http.responseText, params); } else { _pub.html(document.createTextNode('There was an error loading the document.'), params); } } } _pub.http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"); try { _pub.http.send(null); } catch (ex) { _pub.html(document.createTextNode('There was an error loading the document.'), params); } } }; }(); _pub.plugins.register(iBoxPlugin_Document, true); return _pub; }();