Direktori : /home/kfvehpdt/tempowebzine.fr/wp-content/plugins/blocksy-companion/ |
Current File : /home/kfvehpdt/tempowebzine.fr/wp-content/plugins/blocksy-companion/blocksy-companion.php |
<?php /* Plugin Name: Blocksy Companion Description: This plugin is the companion for the Blocksy theme, it runs and adds its enhacements only if the Blocksy theme is installed and active. Version: 2.0.58 Author: CreativeThemes Author URI: https://creativethemes.com Text Domain: blocksy-companion Domain Path: /languages/ License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } register_activation_hook( __FILE__, function () { if ( class_exists( '\\Blocksy\\Plugin' ) && !function_exists( 'blc_fs' ) ) { $to_deactivate = plugin_basename( str_replace( '-pro/', '/', __FILE__ ) ); if ( is_plugin_active( $to_deactivate ) ) { deactivate_plugins( $to_deactivate ); } } if ( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && 'activate-selected' === $_REQUEST['action'] && isset( $_POST['checked'] ) && count( $_POST['checked'] ) > 1 ) { return; } add_option( 'blc_activation_redirect', wp_get_current_user()->ID ); } ); if ( function_exists( 'blc_fs' ) || class_exists( '\\Blocksy\\Plugin' ) ) { if ( function_exists( 'blc_fs' ) ) { blc_fs()->set_basename( false, __FILE__ ); } } else { if ( !function_exists( 'blc_fs' ) && file_exists( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/freemius/start.php' ) && (is_admin() || wp_doing_cron()) ) { global $blc_fs; if ( !isset( $blc_fs ) ) { if ( !defined( 'WP_FS__PRODUCT_5115_MULTISITE' ) ) { define( 'WP_FS__PRODUCT_5115_MULTISITE', true ); } require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/freemius/start.php'; $has_account = true; $instance = \Freemius::instance( 5115, 'blocksy-companion', true ); if ( in_array( 'white-label', get_option( 'blocksy_active_extensions', [] ) ) && ($instance->is_plan( 'agency' ) || $instance->is_plan( 'agency_v2' )) ) { $settings = apply_filters( 'blocksy:ext:white-label:settings', get_option( 'blocksy_ext_white_label_settings', [] ) ); if ( $settings && isset( $settings['hide_billing_account'] ) && $settings['hide_billing_account'] ) { $has_account = false; } } $blc_fs = fs_dynamic_init( array( 'id' => '5115', 'slug' => 'blocksy-companion', 'premium_slug' => 'blocksy-companion-pro', 'type' => 'plugin', 'public_key' => 'pk_b00a5cbae90b2e948015a7d0710f5', 'premium_suffix' => 'PRO', 'is_premium' => false, 'has_addons' => false, 'has_paid_plans' => true, 'menu' => ( true ? [ 'slug' => 'ct-dashboard', 'support' => false, 'contact' => false, 'pricing' => true, 'account' => $has_account, ] : [ 'support' => false, 'contact' => false, 'pricing' => false, 'account' => false, ] ), 'is_live' => true, ) ); function blc_fs() { global $blc_fs; // if (! is_admin()) { // throw new Error('Called in frontend!'); // } return $blc_fs; } blc_fs(); do_action( 'blc_fs_loaded' ); } } define( 'BLOCKSY__FILE__', __FILE__ ); define( 'BLOCKSY_PLUGIN_BASE', plugin_basename( BLOCKSY__FILE__ ) ); define( 'BLOCKSY_PATH', plugin_dir_path( BLOCKSY__FILE__ ) ); define( 'BLOCKSY_URL', plugin_dir_url( BLOCKSY__FILE__ ) ); /** * Load Blocksy textdomain. * * Load gettext translate for Blocksy text domain. */ load_plugin_textdomain( 'blocksy-companion', false, dirname( BLOCKSY_PLUGIN_BASE ) . '/languages' ); if ( !version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.0', '>=' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'blc_fail_php_version' ); } elseif ( !version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '5.0', '>=' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'blc_fail_wp_version' ); } else { require BLOCKSY_PATH . 'plugin.php'; } /** * Blocksy admin notice for minimum PHP version. * * Warning when the site doesn't have the minimum required PHP version. */ function blc_fail_php_version() { /* translators: %s: PHP version */ $message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Blocksy requires PHP version %s+, plugin is currently NOT RUNNING.', 'blocksy-companion' ), '7.0' ); $html_message = sprintf( '<div class="error">%s</div>', wpautop( $message ) ); echo wp_kses_post( $html_message ); } /** * Blocksy admin notice for minimum WordPress version. * * Warning when the site doesn't have the minimum required WordPress version. */ function blc_fail_wp_version() { /* translators: %s: WordPress version */ $message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Blocksy requires WordPress version %s+. Because you are using an earlier version, the plugin is currently NOT RUNNING.', 'blocksy-companion' ), '5.0' ); $html_message = sprintf( '<div class="error">%s</div>', wpautop( $message ) ); echo wp_kses_post( $html_message ); } }