Direktori : /home/kfvehpdt/uvvos.fr/wp-content/themes/blocksy/inc/components/ |
Current File : /home/kfvehpdt/uvvos.fr/wp-content/themes/blocksy/inc/components/pagination.php |
<?php /** * Pagination helpers * * @copyright 2019-present Creative Themes * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License * @package Blocksy */ /** * Dispaly post pagination. * * @param array $args Pagination config. */ if (! function_exists('blocksy_display_posts_pagination')) { function blocksy_display_posts_pagination($args = []) { global $wp_query; $allowed_prefixes_args = [ 'allowed_prefixes' => [ 'blog', 'woo_categories' ], 'default_prefix' => 'blog' ]; $args = wp_parse_args( $args, [ 'query' => $wp_query, 'prefix' => blocksy_manager()->screen->get_prefix( $allowed_prefixes_args ), 'has_pagination' => '__DEFAULT__', 'pagination_type' => '__DEFAULT__', 'last_page_text' => __('No more posts to load', 'blocksy'), 'total_pages' => null, 'current_page' => null, 'format' => null, 'base' => null, 'query_var' => '' ] ); $args['prefix'] = blocksy_manager()->screen->process_allowed_prefixes( $args['prefix'], $allowed_prefixes_args ); if ($args['has_pagination'] === '__DEFAULT__') { $args['has_pagination'] = blocksy_get_theme_mod( $args['prefix'] . '_has_pagination', 'yes' ) === 'yes'; } if ($args['pagination_type'] === '__DEFAULT__') { $args['pagination_type'] = blocksy_get_theme_mod( $args['prefix'] . '_pagination_global_type', 'simple' ); } if ($args['prefix'] === 'woo_categories') { $args['last_page_text'] = __('No more products to load', 'blocksy'); } if (! $args['has_pagination']) { return ''; } if (! $args['total_pages'] || ! $args['current_page']) { $args['current_page'] = $args['query']->get('paged'); $args['total_pages'] = $args['query']->max_num_pages; if (! $args['current_page']) { $args['current_page'] = 1; } } if ($args['total_pages'] <= 1 ) { return ''; } $button_output = ''; if ( $args['pagination_type'] === 'load_more' && intval($args['current_page']) !== intval($args['total_pages']) ) { $label_button = blocksy_get_theme_mod( $args['prefix'] . '_load_more_label', __('Load More', 'blocksy') ); $button_output = '<button class="wp-element-button ct-load-more">' . $label_button . '</button>'; } if ( $args['pagination_type'] !== 'simple' && $args['pagination_type'] !== 'next_prev' ) { if (intval($args['current_page']) === intval($args['total_pages'])) { return ''; } $button_output = '<div class="ct-load-more-helper">' . $button_output; $button_output .= '<span class="ct-ajax-loader"> <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10" opacity="0.2" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2"/> <path d="m12,2c5.52,0,10,4.48,10,10" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2"> <animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="rotate" dur="0.6s" from="0 12 12" to="360 12 12" repeatCount="indefinite" /> </path> </svg> </span>'; $button_output .= '<div class="ct-last-page-text">' . $args['last_page_text'] . '</div>'; $button_output .= '</div>'; } $pagination_class = 'ct-pagination'; $divider_output = ''; $divider = blocksy_get_theme_mod( $args['prefix'] . '_paginationDivider', [ 'width' => 1, 'style' => 'none', 'color' => [ 'color' => 'rgba(224, 229, 235, 0.5)', ] ] ); $numbers_visibility = blocksy_get_theme_mod( $args['prefix'] . '_numbers_visibility', [ 'desktop' => true, 'tablet' => true, 'mobile' => false ] ); $arrows_visibility = blocksy_get_theme_mod( $args['prefix'] . '_arrows_visibility', [ 'desktop' => true, 'tablet' => true, 'mobile' => true ] ); if ( $divider['style'] !== 'none' && $args['pagination_type'] !== 'infinite_scroll' ) { $divider_output = 'data-divider'; } $prefix = blocksy_manager()->screen->get_prefix(); $deep_link_args = []; if (! is_singular()) { $deep_link_args['suffix'] = $prefix . '_has_pagination'; } $template = ' <nav class="' . $pagination_class . '" data-pagination="' . $args['pagination_type'] . '" ' . $divider_output . ' ' . blocksy_generic_get_deep_link($deep_link_args) . '> %1$s %2$s </nav>'; $paginate_links_args = [ 'mid_size' => 3, 'end_size' => 0, 'type' => 'array', 'total' => $args['total_pages'], 'current' => $args['current_page'], 'prev_text' => '<svg width="9px" height="9px" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="currentColor"><path d="M10.9,15c-0.2,0-0.4-0.1-0.6-0.2L3.6,8c-0.3-0.3-0.3-0.8,0-1.1l6.6-6.6c0.3-0.3,0.8-0.3,1.1,0c0.3,0.3,0.3,0.8,0,1.1L5.2,7.4l6.2,6.2c0.3,0.3,0.3,0.8,0,1.1C11.3,14.9,11.1,15,10.9,15z"/></svg>' . __('Prev', 'blocksy'), 'next_text' => __('Next', 'blocksy') . ' <svg width="9px" height="9px" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="currentColor"><path d="M4.1,15c0.2,0,0.4-0.1,0.6-0.2L11.4,8c0.3-0.3,0.3-0.8,0-1.1L4.8,0.2C4.5-0.1,4-0.1,3.7,0.2C3.4,0.5,3.4,1,3.7,1.3l6.1,6.1l-6.2,6.2c-0.3,0.3-0.3,0.8,0,1.1C3.7,14.9,3.9,15,4.1,15z"/></svg>', ]; if ($args['format']) { $paginate_links_args['format'] = $args['format']; } if ($args['base']) { $paginate_links_args['base'] = $args['base']; } if ($args['query_var']) { $paginate_links_args['format'] = '?' . $args['query_var'] . '=%#%'; if (isset($_GET[$args['query_var']])) { $paginate_links_args['current'] = intval(sanitize_text_field( $_GET[$args['query_var']] )); } } $links = paginate_links($paginate_links_args); $arrow_links = ['', '']; $proper_links = []; foreach ($links as $link) { preg_match('/class="[^"]+"/', $link, $matches); if (count($matches) === 0) { continue; } if (strpos($matches[0], 'next') !== false) { $link = str_replace( 'page-numbers"', 'page-numbers" rel="next"', $link ); } if (strpos($matches[0], 'prev') !== false) { $link = str_replace( 'page-numbers"', 'page-numbers" rel="prev"', $link ); } if ( $args['pagination_type'] === 'next_prev' && strpos($matches[0], 'next') === false && strpos($matches[0], 'prev') === false ) { continue; } if ( $args['pagination_type'] === 'simple' && ( strpos($matches[0], 'next') !== false || strpos($matches[0], 'prev') !== false ) ) { $link = str_replace( 'page-numbers', trim('page-numbers ' . blocksy_visibility_classes( $arrows_visibility )), $link ); } if ( strpos($matches[0], 'next') !== false || strpos($matches[0], 'prev') !== false ) { $arrow_links[strpos($matches[0], 'next') !== false ? 1 : 0] = $link; } else { $proper_links[] = $link; } } $proper_links = join("\n", $proper_links); if ($args['pagination_type'] === 'simple') { $proper_links = '<div class="' . blocksy_visibility_classes( $numbers_visibility ) . '">' . $proper_links . '</div>'; } return blocksy_safe_sprintf( $template, $arrow_links[0] . $proper_links . $arrow_links[1], $button_output ); } }